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vec_for_ent (position, entity)


Converts the given position vector from the entity coordinate system to a world coordinate position.


function move_halo()




         vec_set(my.pan, your.pan);

           vec_set(my.x, vector(0, 0, 80)); // the halo floats 80 quants above its creator's origin

           vec_for_ent(my.x, you); // convert this position to world coordinates



       ent_remove(my); // the creator has been removed here, so remove the halo as well



action moving_entity()


       ent_create("halo.tga", nullvector, move_halo);

       while (1)


               my.x += 1 - random(2); // plain random movement (no collision detection!)

               my.y += 1 - random(2);

               wait (1);





ent_type (entity)


Returns the type of the entity or the type of the current level for ent_type(NULL).


0 - No valid type

1 - Polygon based BSP map (A4, A5, A6)

2 - Mesh based ABT map (A7)

3 - Mesh based BSP map (A7)

4 - Terrain

5 - Model

6 - Sprite


var entity_type;


BMAP* arrow_pcx = "arrow.pcx";


function mouse_startup()

       // allow the player to touch the entities even if they are 5,000 quants away from the camera

       mouse_range = 5000;

       mouse_mode = 1;

       mouse_map = arrow_pcx;

       while (1)


               vec_set(mouse_pos, mouse_cursor);





function type_startup()


       while (1)


               entity_type = ent_type(mouse_ent);

               wait (1);




PANEL* test_pan =


       digits(160, 180, 4, *, 1, entity_type);

       flags = visible;




Map_compiler improvements


The map compiler now supports a smooth flag for Lighting v2.0.

