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ent_pvs (entity_number, mode)


Returns a pointer to a certain entity in the potential visible opaque / transparent entity list, thus giving access to all the potentially visible entities.


var opaque_ents = 0;

var transparent_ents = 0;

var total_ents = 0;


// counts the number of opaque and transparent entities and displays the results on the screen

function count_ents_startup()


       wait (-1);

       int i = 1;

       you = ent_pvs(i, 0); // retrieve first opaque entity

       while (you) // repeat until all the opaque entities are counted



               opaque_ents += 1;

               you = ent_pvs(i, 0); // get the following opaque entity


       i = 1;

       you = ent_pvs(i, 1); // retrieve first transparent entity

       while (you) // repeat until all the transparent entities are counted



               transparent_ents += 1;

               you = ent_pvs(i, 1); // get the following transparent entity


       total_ents = opaque_ents + transparent_ents;



PANEL* test_pan =


       digits(50, 50, 4, *, 1, opaque_ents);

       digits(50, 70, 4, *, 1, transparent_ents);

       digits(50, 90, 4, *, 1, total_ents);

       flags = visible;




Med improvements


MEDB now supports a second UV set on skins, for special purposes such as shadow mapping. The second UV set is also stored in the MDL7 file.





Mouse_pointer improvements


The mouse_pointer variable now supports all available Windows mouse pointers. Simply set mouse_pointer to 1...30 to get the desired mouse pointer bitmap.


function mouse_startup()


       mouse_mode = 2;

       mouse_pointer = 3; // play with this value

       while (1)


                 vec_set(mouse_pos, mouse_cursor);


