New engine features

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Here are some of the recent, hot Gamestudio features:



Terrain LOD improvements


Terrain LOD now also works correctly with nonstandard view angles (isometric or fisheye views).






path_set improvements


path_set will now return a negative number when multiple paths with the same name are found in the level.


var path_nodes;


action my_guard()


       // the line below will return the number of nodes for path_001

       // or a negative value if there are two or more paths named path_001

       path_nodes = path_set(me, "path_001");



PANEL* display_pan =


       digits(10, 10, "Number of nodes: %.f", *, 1, path_nodes);

       flags = SHOW;







New lite-C function


The ifelse function is a more convenient substitute for the C ?: operator than if..else.


var number, x;


function numbers_startup()



       x = integer(random(100));

       number = ifelse(x % 2, 0, 1);



PANEL* display_pan =


       digits(10, 10, "Even (0) or odd (1): %.f", *, 1, number);

       flags = SHOW;
