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Q: How can I create the code that displays a menu when the player has clicked a building? A: Use this example; it allows you to increase or decrease the size of your buildings using a panel with 2 buttons.
VECTOR* building_pos[3];
BMAP* arrow_pcx = "arrow.pcx"; BMAP* building_pcx = "building.pcx"; BMAP* increase1_pcx = "increase1.pcx"; BMAP* increase2_pcx = "increase2.pcx"; BMAP* decrease1_pcx = "decrease1.pcx"; BMAP* decrease2_pcx = "decrease2.pcx";
ENTITY* active_building;
function increase_size(); function decrease_size();
PANEL* building_pan = { bmap = "building.pcx"; button = 0, 0, increase1_pcx, increase2_pcx, increase1_pcx, increase_size, NULL, NULL; button = 128, 0, decrease1_pcx, decrease2_pcx, decrease1_pcx, decrease_size, NULL, NULL; }
function mouse_startup() { mouse_mode = 2; mouse_map = arrow_pcx; while (1) { vec_set(mouse_pos, mouse_cursor); wait(1); } }
function increase_size() { active_building.scale_x += 0.3; active_building.scale_y = active_building.scale_x; active_building.scale_z = active_building.scale_x; }
function decrease_size() { active_building.scale_x -= 0.2; active_building.scale_y = active_building.scale_x; active_building.scale_z = active_building.scale_x; }
function display_menu() { active_building = my; vec_set(building_pos, my.x); vec_to_screen(building_pos, camera); building_pan.pos_x = building_pos.x; building_pan.pos_y = building_pos.y; building_pan.flags |= VISIBLE;
action building_with_menu() { my.emask |= ENABLE_CLICK; my.event = display_menu; }
Q: Is there a special way to divide numbers? If I try to divide 6 / 4 I get "1" as the result. A: You won't have any problems if you define two variables and initialize them with 6 and 4, but if you want to hardcode numerical values into your programs make sure that at least one of the numbers has a decimal (even if it is a zero), just like in the example below.
var my_result;
void main() { video_mode = 7; = 150; my_result = 6.0 / 4; }
PANEL* result_pan = { digits (300, 200, "%f", *, 1, my_result); flags = VISIBLE; }
Q: Could you please give us a snippet that's as simple as possible and includes all the needed lite-C code for a standalone 1st person player / camera combination? A: Paste the code below into a test.c file (or any other name) and you're ready to go.
#include <acknex.h> #include <default.c>
STRING* test_wmb = "test.wmb";
void main() { video_mode = 7; // run in 800x600 pixels video_depth = 32; // 32 bit mode video_screen = 1; // start in full screen mode level_load (test_wmb); }
action players_code() // simple player and 1st person camera code { player = my; // I'm the player set (my, INVISIBLE); // no need to see player's model in 1st person mode while (1) { // move the player using the "W", "S", "A" and "D" keys; "10" = movement speed, "6" = strafing speed c_move (my, vector(10 * (key_w - key_s) * time_step, 6 * (key_a - key_d) * time_step, 0), nullvector, GLIDE); vec_set (camera.x, player.x); // use player's x and y for the camera as well camera.z += 30; // place the camera 30 quants above the player on the z axis (approximate eye level) camera.pan -= 5 * mouse_force.x * time_step; // rotate the camera around by moving the mouse camera.tilt += 3 * mouse_force.y * time_step; // on its x and y axis player.pan = camera.pan; // the camera and the player have the same pan angle wait (1); } }
Q: I want to change the model when the player dies; this way, I could use an impressive death sequence. A: Here's an example that uses ent_morph to do what you want.
var players_health = 100;
STRING* deadbody_mdl = "deadbody.mdl";
action players_code() { var anim_percentage; player = my; while (players_health > 0) { c_move (my, vector(10 * (key_w - key_s) * time_step, 0, 0), nullvector, GLIDE); my.pan += 6 * (key_a - key_d) * time_step; vec_set (camera.x, player.x); camera.z += 300; camera.tilt = -90; camera.pan = player.pan;
if (key_w || key_s) // one of the movement keys is pressed? { ent_animate(my, "walk", anim_percentage, ANM_CYCLE); anim_percentage += 8 * time_step; // "8" controls the "walk" animation speed } else // the player is standing still? { ent_animate(my, "stand", anim_percentage, ANM_CYCLE); anim_percentage += 1 * time_step; // "1" controls the "stand" animation speed } wait (1); } // make sure that the enemies decrease the "players_health" variable // the player is dead here, so morph it into another model ent_morph (my, deadbody_mdl); // do something else with the dead body here // .......... }
Q: How do I get an entity to blink when I move the mouse over it (like fading in and out white)? A: Attach this action to your player.
var entity_touched = 0;
BMAP* arrow_pcx = "arrow.pcx";
function mouse_startup() { mouse_mode = 2; mouse_map = arrow_pcx; while (1) { vec_set(mouse_pos, mouse_cursor); wait(1); } }
function blink_me() { if (event_type == EVENT_RELEASE) { entity_touched = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; } if (event_type == EVENT_TOUCH) { entity_touched = 1; // loop for as long as the mouse pointer is touching the entity while (entity_touched) { = 255 * sin(total_ticks % 25); // 25 = blinking speed =; =; wait (1); } } }
action blinking_entity() { set (my, LIGHT); my.emask |= ENABLE_TOUCH | ENABLE_RELEASE; my.event = blink_me; }
Q: I have a countdown timer and I would like to put a 3D bar on the screen and connect it to the timer. As the time decreases, the bar would become smaller and smaller. Is this possible? A: Sure; use a "view" entity and move it downwards just like in the example below.
var current_time = 100;
ENTITY* timer_bar = { type = "bar.mdl"; // this is your bar model layer = 10; x = 100; // play with these values until the lower part of the bar is placed at the bottom of the screen y = -50; z = -25; view = camera; flags2 = VISIBLE; }
function timer_startup() { wait (3); // wait until the level is loaded while (current_time > 1) // this loop will run until the value of the timer reaches 1 { current_time -= 1; wait (-1); // decrease the value of the counter every second timer_bar.z -= 1; // move the bar downwards every second, play with this value } }
Q: I want my boat to pan / rotate when turning but only move to that new angle after a slight delay, creating a sliding effect like you would see when a car attempts to turn too fast or on a slippery surface. A: Here's a snippet that should get you started.
action my_boat() // use the up, left and right arrow keys to control the boat { my.skill1 = 0; while (1) { if (key_cuu) { if (my.skill1 < 2) { my.skill1 += 0.2 * time_step; } } else { if (my.skill1 > 0) { my.skill1 -= 0.03 * time_step; } } if (key_cul) { my.pan += 4 * time_step; } if (key_cur) { my.pan -= 4 * time_step; } clamp(my.skill1, 0, 2); c_move (my, my.skill1, nullvector, GLIDE); wait (1); } }
Q: I'm trying to get a cool waving effect for my leaves A: Take a look at this simple example.
action weaving_grass() // attach this action to your grass models { var grass_angles; var grass_speed; set (my, PASSABLE); my.scale_x = 0.7 + random(2) / 3; // set different scales for the grass models my.scale_y = my.scale_x; my.scale_z = my.scale_x; grass_speed = 2 + random(5); while (1) { grass_angles += grass_speed * time_step; // allow the grass to weave my.roll += 0.02 * sin(grass_angles); wait (1); } }
Q: I'm trying to make a gun fall to the floor without using physics. How can I do that? A: You can't beat the physics engine when it comes to tasks such as this, but there you go.
var soldier_health = 100;
STRING* soldiergun_mdl = "solgun.mdl";
function attach_dummygun() { proc_mode = PROC_LATE; set (my, PASSABLE); while(soldier_health > 0) { vec_set(my.x, you.x); vec_set(my.pan, you.pan); my.frame = you.frame; wait(1); } wait (1); my.skill77 = 1; reset (my, PASSABLE); while (my.skill77) // move the weapon downwards until it can't move anymore { // using absolute world coordinates to move the gun downwards my.skill77 = c_move (my, nullvector, vector (0, 0, -3 * time_step), IGNORE_PASSABLE | GLIDE); // play with -3 my.roll += 15 * time_step; // play with this value my.tilt += 3 * time_step; // play with this value wait (1); } my.tilt = 0; // restore the initial weapon angles my.roll = 0; }
action soldier1() { var anim_percentage; ent_create(soldiergun_mdl, nullvector, attach_dummygun); // give the soldier a gun while (soldier_health > 0) { ent_animate(my, "stand", anim_percentage, ANM_CYCLE); anim_percentage += 1 * time_step; // "1" controls the "stand" animation speed soldier_health -= 3 * time_step; // decrease soldier's health, make it die wait (1); } set (my, PASSABLE); // the soldier is dead here, so its corpse can become passable anim_percentage = 0; while (anim_percentage < 77) { ent_animate(my, "death", anim_percentage, ANM_CYCLE); anim_percentage += 4 * time_step; // "4" controls the "death" animation speed wait (1); } }
Q: I want the camera to rotate as soon as the level is loaded, giving an overview of the level; after that it has to come back to the normal view, so that the player can move. A: Use this piece of code.
var camera_loop = 0;
STRING* test_wmb = "test.wmb";
void main() { video_mode = 7; video_depth = 32; video_screen = 1; level_load (test_wmb); wait (3); // wait until the level is loaded vec_set (camera.x, vector(-300, 200, 250)); // this will be the center of the rotation, play with the values camera.pan = 35; // these will be the initial camera angles, set your own values here camera.tilt = -20; wait (-2); // maybe you want to wait a bit before starting the rotation while (camera.pan < 395) // the camera will perform a full rotation before stopping (35 + 360 = 395, right?) { camera.pan += 2 * time_step; // 2 = rotation speed wait (1); } wait (-1); // maybe you want to wait a bit before giving control to the player camera_loop = 1; // the camera has performed its loop, so let's give the control to the player }
action players_code() // simple player and 1st person camera code { while (!camera_loop) {wait (1);} // add this line of code at the beginning of your own player code player = my; camera.pan = player.pan; // set the camera to player's angles at the very beginning camera.tilt = player.tilt; set (my, INVISIBLE); while (1) { c_move (my, vector(10 * (key_w - key_s) * time_step, 6 * (key_a - key_d) * time_step, 0), nullvector, GLIDE); vec_set (camera.x, player.x); camera.z += 30; camera.pan -= 5 * mouse_force.x * time_step; camera.tilt += 3 * mouse_force.y * time_step; player.pan = camera.pan; wait (1); } }