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Q: I am trying to find a simple example of a working health bar code for the player and an enemy A: There you go.
var players_health = 100; var enemy_health = 100;
BMAP* health_pcx = "health.pcx";
PANEL* health_pan = { pos_x = 10; pos_y = 20; layer = 10; window(50, 0, 40, 20, health_pcx, players_health, 0); flags = SHOW; }
PANEL* enemy_pan = { pos_x = 10; pos_y = 20; layer = 10; window(500, 0, 40, 20, health_pcx, enemy_health, 0); flags = SHOW; }
// just for testing, use the 1... 4 keys to increase / decrease the health for the player and for the enemy function health_startup() { while (1) { if (key_1) players_health += 2 * time_step; if (key_2) players_health -= 2 * time_step; if (key_3) enemy_health += 2 * time_step; if (key_4) enemy_health -= 2 * time_step; wait (1); } }
Q: I would need a teleport, an entity that teleports you to another place in the level when you walk on it. A: Here's a fully working example.
action my_teleport() { set(my, POLYGON); // use polygon-based collision detection // your player action or function should include a "player = my;" line of code while (!player) {wait (1);} // wait until the player model is loaded while (1) { if (vec_dist(player.x, my.x) < 100) // trigger distance, play with 100 { while (key_any) {wait (1);} // wait until the player releases all the keys // now teleport the player to its new position (choose the vector coordinates properly) vec_set (player.x, vector (400, 700, -150)); } wait (1); } }
Q: I am writing variables to a file via file_var_write and need to play them back in real time the exact same way they were recorded. The problem is that every time I try to do this it always seems to be a little faster on the playback; is there any way to fix this? A: Your computer records the data at a smaller frame rate, and then it plays it back at a higher frame rate, thus accelerating the action. A simple solution would be to set fps_max to a smaller value (40... 60); this will allow you to get rid of the problem for good.
Q: What is the best way to display a dynamic text in 3D? A: Use a character set created out of models and the snippet below as a base for your code.
STRING* display_str = "#40"; // backup string STRING* temp_str = "#40"; // backup string
var str_count; var string_index = 0; var position_y = 500;
function letter_function() { set(my, PASSABLE); my.pan = 270; // orient the letters according to your needs }
function letters_startup() { str_cpy (display_str, "great graphics"); while (!player) {wait (1);} // wait until the player is loaded (if needed) position_y = 800; str_count = str_len(display_str); while (string_index < str_count) { str_cpy (temp_str, display_str); // copy display_str to temp_str (we don't want to destroy it) str_clip(temp_str, string_index); // cut the needed number of characters from the beginning of the string str_trunc(temp_str, str_count - string_index - 1); // and cut from the end as well // here we've got the letters that create our string, one by one // in this example we create them along the y axis (the value of y is decreased at all times until all the letters are in place) if (str_cmpi(temp_str, "a")) ent_create("a.mdl", vector(-100, position_y, -100), letter_function); if (str_cmpi(temp_str, "b")) ent_create("b.mdl", vector(-100, position_y, -100), letter_function); if (str_cmpi(temp_str, "c")) ent_create("c.mdl", vector(-100, position_y, -100), letter_function); if (str_cmpi(temp_str, "d")) ent_create("d.mdl", vector(-100, position_y, -100), letter_function); if (str_cmpi(temp_str, "e")) ent_create("e.mdl", vector(-100, position_y, -100), letter_function); if (str_cmpi(temp_str, "f")) ent_create("f.mdl", vector(-100, position_y, -100), letter_function); if (str_cmpi(temp_str, "g")) ent_create("g.mdl", vector(-100, position_y, -100), letter_function); if (str_cmpi(temp_str, "h")) ent_create("h.mdl", vector(-100, position_y, -100), letter_function); if (str_cmpi(temp_str, "i")) ent_create("i.mdl", vector(-100, position_y, -100), letter_function); if (str_cmpi(temp_str, "j")) ent_create("j.mdl", vector(-100, position_y, -100), letter_function); if (str_cmpi(temp_str, "k")) ent_create("k.mdl", vector(-100, position_y, -100), letter_function); if (str_cmpi(temp_str, "l")) ent_create("l.mdl", vector(-100, position_y, -100), letter_function); if (str_cmpi(temp_str, "m")) ent_create("m.mdl", vector(-100, position_y, -100), letter_function); if (str_cmpi(temp_str, "n")) ent_create("n.mdl", vector(-100, position_y, -100), letter_function); if (str_cmpi(temp_str, "o")) ent_create("o.mdl", vector(-100, position_y, -100), letter_function); if (str_cmpi(temp_str, "p")) ent_create("p.mdl", vector(-100, position_y, -100), letter_function); if (str_cmpi(temp_str, "q")) ent_create("q.mdl", vector(-100, position_y, -100), letter_function); if (str_cmpi(temp_str, "r")) ent_create("r.mdl", vector(-100, position_y, -100), letter_function); if (str_cmpi(temp_str, "s")) ent_create("s.mdl", vector(-100, position_y, -100), letter_function); if (str_cmpi(temp_str, "t")) ent_create("t.mdl", vector(-100, position_y, -100), letter_function); if (str_cmpi(temp_str, "u")) ent_create("u.mdl", vector(-100, position_y, -100), letter_function); if (str_cmpi(temp_str, "v")) ent_create("v.mdl", vector(-100, position_y, -100), letter_function); if (str_cmpi(temp_str, "w")) ent_create("w.mdl", vector(-100, position_y, -100), letter_function); if (str_cmpi(temp_str, "x")) ent_create("x.mdl", vector(-100, position_y, -100), letter_function); if (str_cmpi(temp_str, "y")) ent_create("y.mdl", vector(-100, position_y, -100), letter_function); if (str_cmpi(temp_str, "z")) ent_create("z.mdl", vector(-100, position_y, -150), letter_function); position_y -= 120; // set an offset of 120 quants between 2 consecutive letters string_index += 1; // increase string_index } }
Q: How can I control a robot by reading the movement instructions from a text file? A: There you go.
var string_handle; var eof_reached = 0; // will be set to -1 when the end of the file (eof) is reached var temp_coords;
STRING* direction_str = "#10";
ENTITY* robot;
action my_robot() { robot = my; }
function read_startup() { while (!robot) {wait (1);} // wait until the robot model is loaded wait (-5); // give the player some time to prepare for the show (some monitors need a lot of time to switch to the proper resolution) string_handle = file_open_read("commands.txt"); // open the commands.txt file while (eof_reached != -1) // the end of the file wasn't reached yet? { eof_reached = file_str_read(string_handle, direction_str); // read a string from the file if (str_cmpi(direction_str, "left")) // read a "left" command? Then let's increase the y coordinate { temp_coords = robot.y; while (robot.y < temp_coords + 50) { c_move(robot, nullvector, vector(0, 5 * time_step, 0), IGNORE_PASSABLE); wait (1); } } if (str_cmpi(direction_str, "right")) // read a "right" command? Then let's decrease the y coordinate { temp_coords = robot.y; while (robot.y > temp_coords - 50) { c_move(robot, nullvector, vector(0, -5 * time_step, 0), IGNORE_PASSABLE); wait (1); } } if (str_cmpi(direction_str, "forward")) // read a "forward" command? Then let's increase the x coordinate { temp_coords = robot.x; while (robot.x < temp_coords + 50) { c_move(robot, nullvector, vector(5 * time_step, 0, 0), IGNORE_PASSABLE); wait (1); } } if (str_cmpi(direction_str, "back")) // read a "back" command? Then let's decrease the x coordinate { temp_coords = robot.x; while (robot.x > temp_coords - 50) { c_move(robot, nullvector, vector(-5 * time_step, 0, 0), IGNORE_PASSABLE); wait (1); } } wait (-1); // wait a second after each command } file_close (string_handle); // all the strings are read here, so close the file }
Q: I would like to know how I can stitch 2 grounds together. A: Check out function terrain_tile, which can be found in Gamestudio's \include\level.c script file or the terrain sewer project from Aum84.
Q: What is the best way to make an NPC disappear at the end of his path and go back at the beginning over and over? I want to create a dynamic city street scene. A: Here's an example.
var entity_speed = 3; var movement_enabled = 0; var dist_to_node; var current_node = 1; var angle_difference = 0;
ANGLE temp_angle, pos_node;
function move_target() { while(1) { if(movement_enabled) { entity_speed = minv(5, entity_speed + 0.5 * time_step); c_move(my, vector(entity_speed * time_step, 0, 0), nullvector, IGNORE_PASSABLE | GLIDE); vec_to_angle (my.pan, vec_diff (temp_angle, pos_node, my.x)); } wait(1); } }
action my_entity() // attach this action to a model { VECTOR init_pos; vec_set (init_pos.x, my.x); // store the initial coordinates move_target(); result = path_scan(me, my.x, my.pan, vector(360, 180, 1000)); if (result) {movement_enabled = 1;} path_getnode (my, 1, pos_node, NULL); vec_to_angle (my.pan, vec_diff (temp_angle, pos_node, my.x)); // rotate towards the node while(1) { dist_to_node = vec_dist(my.x, pos_node); if(dist_to_node < 50) // close to the node? { current_node = path_nextnode(my, current_node, 1); if (!current_node) // reached the end of the path? Then start over! { current_node = 1; // reset the node vec_set (my.x, init_pos.x); // and then teleport the player at its initial position in the level } path_getnode (my, current_node, pos_node, NULL); } wait(1); } }
Q: I'd like the player to shoot fireballs that get destroyed when they collide with other entities. A: Use the snippet below.
BMAP* fire_tga = "fire.tga";
STRING* fireball_mdl = "fireball.mdl";
SOUND* fireball_wav = "fireball.wav"; SOUND* destroyed_wav = "destroyed.wav";
function fire_fireball(); function shoot_fireball(); function remove_fireball(); function fade_fire(PARTICLE *p); function fire_effect(PARTICLE *p);
function init_startup() { on_mouse_left = fire_fireball; }
function fire_fireball() { ent_create (fireball_mdl, player.x, shoot_fireball); snd_play (fireball_wav, 50, 0); }
function shoot_fireball() { VECTOR fireball_speed, temp; my.emask |= (ENABLE_ENTITY | ENABLE_BLOCK); my.event = remove_fireball; set (my, PASSABLE); my.pan = camera.pan; my.tilt = camera.tilt; my.skill20 = 0; vec_set(fireball_speed.x, nullvector); fireball_speed.x = 100 * time_step; my.skill10 = 0; while (my.skill20 < 500) { effect(fire_effect, 10, my.x, nullvector); if (vec_dist (player.x, my.x) > 100) reset (my, PASSABLE); if ((my.skill10 == 0) && (vec_dist (my.x, player.x) > 100)) { // play with 500, sets the damage range c_scan(my.x, my.pan, vector(40, 60, 500), IGNORE_ME | SCAN_ENTS); } my.skill20 += 1 * time_step; c_move (my, fireball_speed.x, nullvector, IGNORE_FLAG2 | IGNORE_PASSABLE); wait (1); } remove_fireball(); }
function remove_fireball() { wait (1); my.event = NULL; ent_playsound (my, destroyed_wav, 1000); // play the explosion sound set (my, INVISIBLE); // hide the fireball, keep ent_playsound playing wait (-1.5); // wait for 1.5 seconds ent_remove(me); // now remove it }
function fade_fire(PARTICLE *p) { p.alpha -= 4 * time_step; // fade out the fire particles if (p.alpha < 0) p.lifespan = 0; }
function fire_effect(PARTICLE *p) { set (my, PASSABLE); p->vel_x = 1 - random(2); p->vel_y = 1 - random(2); p->vel_z = 3 - random(6); p.alpha = 20 + random(50); p.bmap = fire_tga; p.size = 10 + random(5); // gives the size of the flame particles p.flags |= (BRIGHT | MOVE); p.event = fade_fire; }
Q: I want to create an entity that follows the player. Can anyone help? A: Here's the code that does what you want.
function player_follower();
action players_code() // attach this action to your player model { var movement_speed = 20; VECTOR temp; set (my, INVISIBLE); player = my; ent_create("guard.mdl", nullvector, player_follower); while (1) { my.pan -= 7 * mouse_force.x * time_step; vec_set (temp.x, my.x); temp.z -= 10000; temp.z = 0; temp.x = movement_speed * (key_w - key_s) * time_step; temp.y = movement_speed * (key_a - key_d) * 0.6 * time_step; c_move (my, temp.x, nullvector, IGNORE_PASSABLE | GLIDE); camera.x = my.x; camera.y = my.y; camera.z = my.z + 50; camera.pan = my.pan; camera.tilt += 5 * mouse_force.y * time_step; wait (1); } }
function player_follower() { var walk_percentage; while (1) { // play with the numerical values; they give the xyz offset of the follower in relation with the player vec_set(my.x, vector(150, -60, 0)); vec_rotate(my.x, you.pan); vec_add(my.x, you.x); my.pan = you.pan; ent_animate(my, "walk", walk_percentage, ANM_CYCLE); // play the "stand" aka idle animation walk_percentage += 5 * (key_w - key_s) * time_step; // increase walk_percentage only if the player is moving wait (1); } }
Q: How can I make certain entities in my level to be visible even if they are behind walls? A: Here's a simple example.
action hidden_entities() { while (1) { // press the "v" key to make the entities visible if (key_v) set(my, ZNEAR); else reset(my, ZNEAR); wait (1); } }