Questions from the forum

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Q: I would like my top view camera to point towards any entity I'm touching with the mouse pointer.

A: There you go.


BMAP* pointer_tga = "pointer.tga";


function mouse_startup()

       mouse_mode = 2;

       mouse_map = pointer_tga;

       while (1)


               vec_set(mouse_pos, mouse_cursor);





function camera_startup()


       camera.z = 600; // play with the z value

       camera.tilt = -80; // with the tilt angle

       camera.arc = 100; // and with the arc value until you see all the entities at once

       VECTOR temp;

       while (1)


                 if (mouse_ent)


                       vec_set(temp, mouse_ent.x);

                       vec_sub(temp, camera.x);

                       vec_to_angle(camera.pan, temp);


               wait (1);




Q: Does anyone know of a lite-C script for a mini camera? The camera would be fixed somewhere in a level and the movie would be shown at a screen somewhere else at the level.

A: Here's a fully working example.


var fixed_camera = 1;


BMAP* pointer_tga = "pointer.tga";


function mouse_startup()

       mouse_mode = 2;

       mouse_map = pointer_tga;

       while (1)


               vec_set(mouse_pos, mouse_cursor);





// activates the fixed camera for as long as fixed_camera is set to 1

function camera_startup()


       while (1)


               if (fixed_camera)


                       camera.x = -700;

                       camera.y = -365;

                       camera.z = 450;

                       camera.pan = 40;

                       camera.tilt = -35;


               wait (1);




// attach this action to a sprite or a model

// if you are using a sprite, make sure that it has the same size (in pixels) with the size of the movie

action movie_display()


       media_loop ("movie.wmv", bmap_for_entity (my, 0), 100); // use your own movie name






Q: I would like to get and display the xyz position of an object in a room, on which i am pointing with my mouse cursor. Hope you can help me.

A: There you go.


BMAP* pointer_tga = "pointer.tga";


FONT* arial_font = "Arial#14";


PANEL* entity_pan = // displays the xyz coordinates of the entity


       pos_x = 10;

       pos_y = 10;

       layer = 15;

       digits(0, 10, "Entity x coordinate: %.f", arial_font, 1, mouse_ent.x);

       digits(0, 30, "Entity y coordinate: %.f", arial_font, 1, mouse_ent.y);

       digits(0, 50, "Entity z coordinate: %.f", arial_font, 1, mouse_ent.z);

       flags = SHOW;



function mouse_startup()

       mouse_mode = 2;

       mouse_map = pointer_tga;

       while (1)


               vec_set(mouse_pos, mouse_cursor);








Q: How can I show an entity skill on a panel? I've tried with digits, but it didn't work.

A: You need to use an entity pointer - here's a simple example.


var enemy_skill1, enemy_skill2, enemy_skill3;


FONT* arial_font = "Arial#14";


ENTITY* my_enemy;


PANEL* entity_pan = // displays the xyz coordinates of the entity


       pos_x = 10;

       pos_y = 10;

       layer = 15;

       digits(0, 10, "Enemy skill1: %.f", arial_font, 1, enemy_skill1);

       digits(0, 30, "Enemy skill2: %.f", arial_font, 1, enemy_skill2);

       digits(0, 50, "Enemy skill3: %.f", arial_font, 1, enemy_skill3);

       flags = SHOW;



action enemy_action()


       my_enemy = my;

       my_enemy.skill1 = 123;

       enemy_skill1 = my_enemy.skill1;

       my_enemy.skill2 = 456;

       enemy_skill2 = my_enemy.skill2;

       my_enemy.skill3 = 789;                

       enemy_skill3 = my_enemy.skill3;






Q: How can I scroll a text that's displayed above a panel? The text is larger than the panel.

A: There you go.


#include <strio.c> // need to include this library


var string_limit = 50; // don't display more than 50 characters from message_str at once


STRING* message_str = "This is a very long text that will be scrolled because its size exceeds the size of the panel";

STRING* temp_str = "";

STRING* output_str = "";


PANEL* hud_pan =


       pos_x = 10;

       pos_y = 10;

       layer = 15;

       bmap = "map.tga";

       flags = SHOW;



TEXT* hud_txt =


       pos_x = 20;

       pos_y = 20;

       layer = 20; // the text is displayed on top of hud_pan


       flags = SHOW;



function cut_startup()


       var i = 0, j;

       while (1)


               str_cpy(temp_str, message_str);

               j = i + string_limit;

               str_cut(output_str, temp_str, i, j); // using a function from the strio.c library to cut the string

               wait (-0.3);



               if (i > str_len(message_str)) // the long string ended?

                       i = 0;







Q: How can I make a sprite appear on a key press? The sprite needs to fade in.

A: Here's an example


function display_sprite();


function create_sprites()


       VECTOR sprite_coords;

       sprite_coords.x = random(200) - 400; // the x of the sprite will be in the -200... 200 quants interval

       sprite_coords.y = random(200) - 400; // the y of the sprite will be in the -200... 200 quants interval

       sprite_coords.z = random(200) - 350; // the z of the sprite will be in the -150... 200 quants interval                

       ent_create ("heart2.tga", sprite_coords, display_sprite);



function display_sprite()


       set(my, PASSABLE | TRANSLUCENT);

       my.alpha = 0;

       while (my.alpha < 100)


               my.alpha += 7 * time_step; // 7 gives the fade-in speed

               wait (1);        


       my.alpha = 100;

       reset(my, TRANSLUCENT);




function sprites_startup()


       on_c = create_sprites; // press the "C" key to create a new sprite        






Q: How to make a sphere model be filled with mist?

A: You can generate particles from the center of the sphere - here's an example.


BMAP* mist_tga = "mist.tga";


function fade_mist(PARTICLE *p)


       p.alpha -= 0.5 * time_step; // fade out the particles

       if (p.alpha < 0)

         p.lifespan = 0;



function mist_function(PARTICLE *p)


       p.alpha = 10 + random(20); // play with all these values

       p->vel_x = (1 - random(2)) / 3; // play with all these values

       p->vel_y = (1 - random(2)) / 3;

       p->vel_z = (1 - random(2)) / 3;

       p.bmap = mist_tga;

       p.size = 5 + random(4); // sets the size of the mist particles

  p.flags |= (BRIGHT | MOVE);

       p.event = fade_mist;



action misty_sphere() // attach this action to your sphere model


       set (my, PASSABLE | TRANSLUCENT); // make the sphere passable and transparent

       my.alpha = 40; // play with this value

       while (1)


               effect(mist_function, 5, my.x, nullvector);

               wait (1);







Q: With c_scan, I can only scan static lights... how can i scan for dynamic lights?

A: Create your dynamic lights using entities; make them invisible and passable if you need to. Then, use the snippet below.


action players_code() // sample player code


       var anim_percentage, distance_to_ground;

       VECTOR movement_speed, temp;

       player = my;

         while (1)


               c_scan(my.x, my.pan, vector(360, 180, 300), SCAN_ENTS | SCAN_LIMIT | IGNORE_ME); // scan for lights

               camera.x = player.x - 250 * cos(player.pan);

               camera.y = player.y - 250 * sin(player.pan);

               camera.z = player.z + 150;

               camera.pan = player.pan;

               camera.tilt = -20;

               my.pan += 6 * (key_a - key_d) * time_step;

               vec_set (temp, my.x);

               temp.z -= 5000;

               distance_to_ground = c_trace (my.x, temp.x, IGNORE_ME | USE_BOX);

               movement_speed.x = 5 * (key_w - key_s) * time_step;

               movement_speed.y = 0;

               movement_speed.z = - (distance_to_ground - 17); // 17 = experimental value

               movement_speed.z = maxv (-35 * time_step, movement_speed.z); // 35 = falling speed

               c_move (my, movement_speed.x, nullvector, GLIDE);

               if (!key_w && !key_s)


                       ent_animate(my, "stand", anim_percentage, ANM_CYCLE);


            else // the player is moving?


                       ent_animate(my, "walk", anim_percentage, ANM_CYCLE);


            anim_percentage += 5 * time_step; // 5 = animation speed

            wait (1);




function change_color()


       vec_set(, vector(0, 0, 255)); // change to red light                



action my_light()


       vec_set(, vector(255, 255, 255)); // white light

       my.emask = ENABLE_SCAN;

       my.event = change_color;



               my.lightrange = 500; // set a light range of 500 quants

               wait (1);







Q: I would like to be able to set the colors for the cars in my racing game by clicking them, and the choosing one of the options from a menu.

A: Here's the code that does what you want.


VECTOR* car_pos[3];


BMAP* pointer_tga = "pointer.tga";

BMAP* red1_pcx = "red1.pcx";

BMAP* red2_pcx = "red2.pcx";

BMAP* green1_pcx = "green1.pcx";

BMAP* green2_pcx = "green2.pcx";

BMAP* blue1_pcx = "blue1.pcx";

BMAP* blue2_pcx = "blue2.pcx";


ENTITY* active_car;


function set_red();

function set_green();

function set_blue();


PANEL* carcolor_pan =


       bmap = "carcolor.pcx";

       button = 0, 12, red2_pcx, red1_pcx, red2_pcx, set_red, NULL, NULL;

       button = 0, 24, green2_pcx, green1_pcx, green2_pcx, set_green, NULL, NULL;      

       button = 0, 36, blue2_pcx, blue1_pcx, blue2_pcx, set_blue, NULL, NULL;



function mouse_startup()

       mouse_mode = 2;

       mouse_map = pointer_tga;

       while (1)


               vec_set(mouse_pos, mouse_cursor);





function set_red()

{ = 255; = 0; = 0;



function set_green()

{ = 0; = 255; = 0;



function set_blue()

{ = 0; = 0; = 255;



function display_menu()


       active_car = my;

       vec_set(car_pos, my.x);

       vec_to_screen(car_pos, camera);

       carcolor_pan.pos_x = car_pos.x;

       carcolor_pan.pos_y = car_pos.y;

       carcolor_pan.flags |= SHOW;



action colored_car()


       my.emask |= ENABLE_CLICK;

       my.event = display_menu;

       set (my, LIGHT);




Q: I'd like to have a ball that moves freely in the level and kills all the enemies that it is touching.

A: Here's a simple example.


function ball_collides()


       // the ball has collided with one of the entities in the level?

       if (event_type == EVENT_ENTITY)


               if (you.skill1 == 999) // collided with one of the enemies?


                       you.skill1 = 0; // then remove it!



       // change the direction even if the ball has only collided with a level block


       // add a slightly random value to the pan angle each time, in order to prevent the ball from getting stuck        

       my.pan += 10 - random(20);



action bouncing_ball()


       my.emask |= (ENABLE_BLOCK | ENABLE_ENTITY); // make the entity sensitive to collisions with level blocks and entities

       my.event = ball_collides;



               c_move(my, vector(10 * time_step, 0, 0),nullvector, NULL); // 10 gives the ball movement speed





action my_enemies()


       my.skill1 = 999; // this value identifies an enemy

       while (my.skill1 == 999) {wait (1);}

       ent_remove (my);


