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Panels, texts and buttons   

The panels, texts and buttons are used by the 2D engine inside A4 / A5 to add some flavor to 3D games; don't underestimate them - you can create full 2D games or fake 3D games with the 2D engine. I have created a dumb, educative game that makes heavy use of panels, texts and buttons and guess what? I named it Guessme...

The main function is really simple:

function main() 

LOAD_LEVEL (<guess.wmb>);  

I have set D3D_PANELS to ON to enable hardware accelerated panels. I'm also loading a simple level (not necessary, but useful if you want to add more stuff or if your main panel doesn't cover the whole screen.

I have created a panel that covers the whole screen (800x600 pixels) and has its VISIBLE flag set, so it will appear at game start. I have two buttons used to start the game and to quit. If you remember the button definition in the manual, when I move the mouse over one of the buttons, it will change its bitmap to starthi_map or quithi_map. When I click one of the buttons, its corresponding action (start_guessing or quit_game) is executed.

PANEL guessmain_pan  

BMAP guess800_map; 
LAYER 10; 
POS_X 0; 
POS_Y 0; 
BUTTON 20, 20, start_map, start_map, starthi_map, start_guessing, NULL, mouse_over; 
BUTTON 20, 70, quit_map, quit_map, quithi_map, quit_game, NULL, mouse_over; 

Function quit_game is really simple - it shuts down the engine; function start_guessing is more complex. Before we move on, please note that texts are pretty similar to panels; they have layers and can be moved on the screen. 

function start_guessing() // simplified version 

    intro_text.VISIBLE = ON; // display the text stored in intro_string ("Try to guess a number...") 
    WAITT (16); // wait a second, then start scrolling the text upwards 
    WHILE (intro_text.POS_Y > -30) // make sure that all the three rows have disappeared 
         intro_text.POS_Y -= TIME * 0.05 * (570 - intro_text.POS_Y); // we modify intro_text's POS_Y to scroll faster and faster 
        WAIT (1); 
    intro_text.VISIBLE = OFF; // remove the intro text 
    random_number = int(RANDOM(9)+1); // pick a random number between 1 and 9 
    click_text.VISIBLE = ON; // display the text stored in click_string ("Click the keypad...")  
    keypad_pan.VISIBLE = ON; // display the keypad panel 
    WHILE (success == 0) // if I guess the number, success = 1 
         IF (random_number == your_guess) // got it 
              smaller_pan.VISIBLE = OFF; // remove the "arrow" panels 
              bigger_pan.VISIBLE = OFF; 
             PLAY_SOUND thanks_snd, 100; // plays the thank you sound 
             success = 1; // get out of the while loop 
                IF (random_number < your_guess) // I chose a bigger number 
                     bigger_pan.VISIBLE = OFF; 
                     smaller_pan.VISIBLE = ON; // so make the smaller arrow panel visible 
                    smaller_pan.VISIBLE = OFF; // I chose a smaller number 
                    bigger_pan.VISIBLE = ON; // so make the bigger arrow panel visible 
        WAIT (1); 
   click_text.VISIBLE = OFF; // remove the "Click the keypad..." text 
   keypad_pan.VISIBLE = OFF; // and the rest of the panels excepting guessmain 
   smaller_pan.VISIBLE = OFF; 
   bigger_pan.VISIBLE = OFF; 

Finally, there's start_game()

function start_game() // simplified version 

     MOUSE_MAP = cursor_map; // we choose the mouse pointer, place it in the center of the screen and make the cursor freely movable 
     MOUSE_MODE = 2; 
    WHILE (1) 
          MOUSE_POS.X = POINTER.X; // move the mouse on x and y  
          MOUSE_POS.Y = POINTER.Y; 
          IF (MOUSE_LEFT == 1) // if the left mouse button (lmb) is pressed, we check to see if it was over the keypad_pan. 
                IF (MOUSE_POS.X > 650 && MOUSE_POS.X < 700) 
                       IF (MOUSE_POS.Y > 0 && MOUSE_POS.Y < 50) 
                              your_guess = 1; 
                       IF (MOUSE_POS.Y > 50 && MOUSE_POS.Y < 100) 
                             your_guess = 4; 
                       IF (MOUSE_POS.Y > 100 && MOUSE_POS.Y < 150) 
                            your_guess = 7; 
              IF (MOUSE_POS.X > 700 && MOUSE_POS.X < 750) 
                      IF (MOUSE_POS.Y > 0 && MOUSE_POS.Y < 50) 
                            your_guess = 2; 
                      IF (MOUSE_POS.Y > 50 && MOUSE_POS.Y < 100) 
                            your_guess = 5; 
                      IF (MOUSE_POS.Y > 100 && MOUSE_POS.Y < 150) 
                            your_guess = 8; 
             IF (MOUSE_POS.X > 750 && MOUSE_POS.X < 800) 
                     IF (MOUSE_POS.Y > 0 && MOUSE_POS.Y < 50) 
                            your_guess = 3; 
                     IF (MOUSE_POS.Y > 50 && MOUSE_POS.Y < 100) 
                            your_guess = 6; 
                     IF (MOUSE_POS.Y > 100 && MOUSE_POS.Y < 150) 
                           your_guess = 9; 
   WAIT (1);          

You might wonder why did I use this type of checking for keypad and not regular buttons. First of all, this is a tutorial and you must learn as many tricks as possible. More that that, you can create a "button" of virtually any shape and size and use this type of code to click on it.  

You can see that I have placed the keypad panel in the upper right corner.    

          IF (MOUSE_LEFT == 1) // if the left mouse button (lmb) is pressed, we check to see if it was over the keypad_pan. 
                      IF (MOUSE_POS.X > 650 && MOUSE_POS.X < 700) // first column (1, 4, 7) starts at 650 and ends at 700 pixels on X  
                            IF (MOUSE_POS.Y > 0 && MOUSE_POS.Y < 50) // first row (1, 2, 3) starts at 0 and ends at 50 pixels on Y  
                                   your_guess = 1; // you have clicked on 1 
                            IF (MOUSE_POS.Y > 50 && MOUSE_POS.Y < 100) // second row (4, 5, 6) starts at 50 and ends at 100 on Y  
                                   your_guess = 4; 
                            IF (MOUSE_POS.Y > 100 && MOUSE_POS.Y < 150) // third row (7, 8, 9) starts at 100 and ends on 150 on Y 
                                   your_guess = 7; 

We don't need a keypad panel for this type of action; keypad_pad is placed over the screen to show the player where to click.

Clocks and string instructions      

I was surprised to see the you can create a real time clock so easy; I have created two strings:

STRING clock_string, "        "; // hh:mm ss = 8 chars that hold data like this:  17:34 56 
STRING temp_string, "  ";  // 2 chars storing temporary data that will be added to clock_string from time to time 

I'm using a clock_text that will show the string clock_string (the time) on screen; function start_clock does all the job.

function start_clock() 

        WHILE (1) 
               str_for_num(clock_string, SYS_HOURS); 
               str_cat(clock_string, ":"); 
               IF (SYS_MINUTES < 10)  
                       str_cat(clock_string, "0"); 
               str_for_num(temp_string, SYS_MINUTES);  
               str_cat(clock_string, temp_string);  
               str_cat(clock_string, " ");  
               IF (SYS_SECONDS < 10)  
                       str_cat(clock_string, "0"); 
               str_for_num(temp_string, SYS_SECONDS);  
               str_cat(clock_string, temp_string);  
               WAIT (1); 

Let's go through this function line by line:

str_for_num(clock_string, SYS_HOURS);  
Reads SYS_HOURS which is a number, converts it to string and puts it in clock_string (the first two characters) 

str_cat(clock_string, ":");  
Adds the : character to the string (in the 3rd position) to create a clock that looks like this 12:32 

IF (SYS_MINUTES < 10) // add a "0" if the minutes are displayed with a digit  

      str_cat(clock_string, "0"); 

SYS_MINUTES will show 12: 7 instead of 12:07 for SYS_MINUTES below 10, so we add a 0 when needed 

str_for_num(temp_string, SYS_MINUTES);  
Reads SYS_MINUTES and converts it to string (we use temp_string then we will copy it in clock_string) 

str_cat(clock_string, temp_string);  
We add the minutes to clock_string; the minutes should be the 4th and 5th characters in clock_string  

str_cat(clock_string, " ");  
Add a space in the 6th position of the screen 

IF (SYS_SECONDS < 10) // add a "0" if the seconds are displayed with a digit  

     str_cat(clock_string, "0"); 

We add a "0" if the seconds are below 10 

str_for_num(temp_string, SYS_SECONDS);  
We read SYS_SECONDS and convert it to string; the result is placed in temp_string 

str_cat(clock_string, temp_string); // add seconds to clock_string  
We add seconds to clock_string (the 7th and 8th position) 

All this stuff is placed in a WHILE(1) loop, so it executes all the time.