Originally Posted By: fastlane69
1) God though the Holy Spirit guided king and scholar

I have chosen #1 and dismissed all the rest, because it is logical and rational to presuppose God. It follows logic to believe in His word as a revelation to his creation, and a perfect Bible that reflects God's nature as well. I have found the King James Bible to be that perfect revelation. You will doubtless reject that.

You will likely say you reject this because in your opinion it is illogical. However, for you to use logic you must borrow from my world view (biblical Christianity). How can there be any universal logic, since your mind is completely separate from mine. In an atheist world view, you cannot account for the laws of logic, laws of morality, or laws of science. You cannot account for universal laws (as an atheist) existing in a materialistic (from an atheists point of view), purely natural universe (which I have to assume you believe). I can. I don't have any problems accounting for them. The laws of logic, science, and morality reflect the nature of Almighty God, the creator of heaven and earth.

Psa 12:6-7 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever.

I know, you don't like scripture quotes. I don't much care for atheist quotes either, but I deal with it a lot in forums.

The "telephone effect" may be a problem if Almighty God was not overseeing and guiding and preserving down through history. But he is (see Psa 12:6-7).