As I posted earlier in the initial tread my friend and me are very interested to be a part of this project if you find our abilities to be sufficient. We can offer help in four segments: leveling (designing,modeling and shadowmapping), character models (designing and animating), music and sound effects.

I have uploaded the examples of our work at FileFront here:

In example ZIP you can find clips of animated characters from Blade Of Power, that doesn't really represents my animating abilities anymore but can be a global guideline, and one exe file: two-room level that is taken from a new project not related to Blade Of Power. This level also contains music and audio effects originally composed or recorded by my friend.

There is also important ReadMe file placed in ZIP that explains all modeling, animating and audio-related limitations.When considering hours per week I couldn't really say but it is somewhere between solid 10h (Monday-Friday 2h/Day) and not-so-solid 17h.

>>Demos free3DModels Tutorials<<
>>>>>>> by Pavle Nikolic <<<<<<<