texture mtlSkin1;
texture entSkin1;

technique t0
pass p0

TexCoordIndex[0] = 0;
ColorArg1[0] = Texture;
ResultArg[0] = Temp;

// mix light map with dynamic lighting
TexCoordIndex[1] = 1;
ColorArg1[1] = Texture;
ColorOp[1] = AddSigned;
ColorArg2[1] = Diffuse;

AlphaArg1[1] = Temp;
AlphaOp[1] = SelectArg1;

// apply lighting to texture
TexCoordIndex[2] = 0;
ColorArg1[2] = Texture;
ColorOp[2] = Modulate2x;
ColorArg2[2] = Current;

MagFilter[2] = Linear;
MinFilter[2] = Linear;
MipFilter[2] = Linear;

this seems to work. not sure if it could be done with two texture stages only.

i think it would be better to separate it into two models (one with the opaque textures and one with the transparent ones) so that the engine can correctly render them in the opaque/transparent render passes.