Sometime ago I had the Idea that A6 Extra can may use fixed function effects and sent this watereffect (written by steempipe) to rvL_eXile.
It was rendered completely black and we forgot about that. Today he asked me if I could compile something with my commercial version for him exported from icex with the setting "High Res Textures" (or similar^^) I told him that it should work for him if it is only the texturesulotion. I made him doing some more tests and we noticed that it was a multitexture effect using the fixed function pipeline wich was perfectly working for him.
I also sent him a bumpmapping effect wich was working as well. The water was white, but now we know, that it doesn´t has something to do with his Extra version.

It would be great if everyone using the extra version could try this testlevel and post if it works or not and if not the graficscard name.


Edit: I just got the idea that this may even work with the standart and sybex version (it could give some scripterrors with the outdated sybex version), please try it and tell me

Last edited by Slin; 08/07/07 00:45.