Because you are such a great community I decided to share this with you
It is basicly the little bit of cooding which already exists around "The Inn".

Because I donīt know what else to say about it here is the content of the readme I just wrote:

These are some hopefully easy, selfexplaining and free to use Scripts.
To use them, you will need A7.07 and the code is written in Lite-C.

Thanks for Tristan3D for the great Texture

action ModelShader():
-Just adds a shader to the model and should be adjusted on the behavior panel in WED

action DynLight():
-makes the object lightening and should be adjusted in WED

action PlayerMovement():
-A WIP playeraction. It is actually without animations and some only half implemented things. But it should be a good base for more. Use WASD to move, mouse to turn, shift to run and q to jump.

void LevelLoad(STRING* LevelName, STRING* Name, STRING* FileType, int Number):
-Loads the Level given by the first parameter and displays a random loadscreen with the name given by the second parameter, the filetype given by the third parameter and a random number between 1 and the one given by the last parameter. See "Main.c" for an example.

The Shaders are:
Normal Mapping:
-The second skin is the normalmap and the third skin is a glossmap.

Normal Mapping with detailmap:
-The second skin is the normalmap, the third skin is a glossmap and the fourth the detailmap.

Relief Mapping:
-The second skin is the normalmap, the third skin is a glossmap and the fourth skin is the heightmap.

They are all supporting 3 Lights and are having fallbacks.

Thats it.
Have a Merry Christmas!

Nils Daumann

If you want to support me, I could always find some space for models and textures, but I could also find a use for plugins or just a few euros

I can also do some custom work but would prefer to do it in exchange against ressources or money if it is something more complex.

But even if you canīt give me anything and just need some simple help, donīt hesitate to ask me

You can get in touch with me through:
eMail: nils_daumann[at]online[dot]de
MSN: nils_daumann[at]online[dot]de
ICQ: 256-017-437

Here is a screenshot:

I hope that you find some use for it
Download it here.


Last edited by Slin; 12/24/07 00:47.