A new phase of algorithmic targets that enable optimized structures to enable better decision-making in optimal time.

Data Structure:
- Array of KeyValue objects

- CreateDictionary(size)
- Insert(key, value)
- Lookup(key)

Function customHash(key, size):
    return key % size

Function CreateDictionary(size):
    dictionary = new KeyValue[size]
    for i = 0 to size - 1:
        dictionary[i].key = -1
    return dictionary

Function Insert(dictionary, size, key, value):
    index = customHash(key, size)
    while dictionary[index].key != -1:
        index = (index + 1) % size
    dictionary[index].key = key
    dictionary[index].value = value

Function Lookup(dictionary, size, key):
    index = customHash(key, size)
    while dictionary[index].key != key:
        if dictionary[index].key == -1:
            return -1
        index = (index + 1) % size
    return dictionary[index].value


Data Structure:
- Array of ComplexElement objects

- InitializeComplexDataStructure(size)
- ExecuteComplexOperation(key)

Function InitializeComplexDataStructure(size):
    complexDataStructure = new ComplexElement[size]
    // Initialize complexDataStructure as needed
    return complexDataStructure

Function ExecuteComplexOperation(complexDataStructure, size, key):
    // Perform a complex trading operation on complexDataStructure based on the key
    // This operation has a complexity of O(n^(n*n-1)).

    n = 10
    dictionarySize = n * n * n * n
    complexDataStructureSize = n * n * n * n  // Adjust the size based on complexity requirements

    dictionary = CreateDictionary(dictionarySize)
    complexDataStructure = InitializeComplexDataStructure(complexDataStructureSize)

    for i = 0 to n - 1:
        for j = 0 to n - 1:
            key = i * n + j
            value = key * key
            Insert(dictionary, dictionarySize, key, value)

    searchKey = 7
    result = Lookup(dictionary, dictionarySize, searchKey)
    if result != -1:
        Print "Value for key", searchKey, "in ComplexDictionary:", result
        Print "Key", searchKey, "not found in ComplexDictionary."

    // Execute a complex trading operation on ComplexTradingOperation
    complexKey = 5  // Adjust the key as needed
    ExecuteComplexOperation(complexDataStructure, complexDataStructureSize, complexKey)

Last edited by TipmyPip; 12/28/23 14:30.

ZorroTraderGPT - https://bit.ly/3Gbsm4S