Aum 94

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Welcome to Aum 94!


- The new "full game" episode shows the storyline / level structure document for our community game, J j & BUM.

- "Hot beta features" describes a new set of fresh GameStudio features.

- The shooter template has evolved, and now includes smart enemies that can chase the player and will try to gun it down if they are given the chance to do so.
- "Donut Fall" is this month's "Plug and play" game and makes use of Torsten Simon's online high score contribution.

- "User contributions / Hot at the forum" hosts your generous contributions for our game development community.

- 10 unanswered questions from the forum have been answered with fully working code once again.

- Torsten Simon is a very generous guy; check out this month's featured contribution and the "Plug and play" section of the magazine to see why.

- Starlaxis is an good looking, ingenious game that mixes Tetris, Bookworm, action and strategy. Read the interview and check out the screenshots to learn more about it.

- The new "tool" contest is almost finished; go and vote your favorite at the forum asap!

