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Q: I have downloaded some plant models  but when I put them in a level they have a strange black frame around their leaves. What should I do?
A: The skins don't have "true" transparent areas (RGB = 000). Modify the skins or set the flare flag for the models.


Q: How can I deform things and persons?
A: Use vec_for_mesh and vec_to_mesh. You can find an example in Aum8.


Q: How do you get a pcx file to play without morphing an entity into the pcx?
A: Here's an example:

action my_animated_sprite
  my.oriented = on;
  my.passable = on;
  my.pan = 0;
  while (1)
     if (my.frame < 10) // 10 animation frames
        my.frame += 0.5 * time;
        my.frame = 0;
     wait (1);

Q: I am searching for a script which blurs the textures when you come closer to them. When you walk close to a building the wall will blur so you don't see the texture as ugly blocks.
A: You are running the engine in software mode. Set video_mode to 16 or 32 in your script.


Q: When I test my level and I move upwards, it starts to fly. How do I prevent this?
A: Place a player model in your level and attach it the player_walk or player_walk_fight action.


Q: How go I get each entity to follow its own defined path?
A: Use ent_path in your actions:

action tank
  if (my.flag1 == 1)
  if (my.flag2 == 1)
  if (my.flag3 == 1)
  if (my.flag4 == 1)
  if (my.flag5 == 1)

Q: I want a script that will rotate a camera around the origin (0,0,0), 45 degrees per click. Could someone help me?
A: Here's an example:

view camera_45{}

action my_camera45 // attach it to a model, sprite, etc
  my.invisible = on;
  my.passable = on;
  camera.visible = off;
  camera_45.size_x = screen_size.x;
  camera_45.size_y = screen_size.y;
  camera_45.pos_x = 0;
  camera_45.pos_y = 0;
  camera_45.x = 0;
  camera_45.y = 0;
  camera_45.z = 0;
  camera_45.tilt = -90;
  camera_45.visible = on;
  while (1)
     if (mouse_left == 1)
        camera_45.pan += 45;
        while (mouse_left == 1) {wait (1);}
     wait (1);

Q: Anyone knows how to load in a bitmap during runtime?
A: Here's an example:

function bitmap_stuff();

string my_bmp = <my.bmp>;

action bitmap_creator
  ent_create (my_bmp, my.pos, bitmap_stuff);

function bitmap_stuff()
  wait (1);
  my.ambient = 100;

Q: I attach weapons to my actors; how can I remove the weapons if the actors die?
A: Here's a function that works with the templates:

function attach_gun()
  my.passable = on;
  my.metal = on;
  while(you._health > 0)
     my.frame = you.frame;
     my.next_frame = you.next_frame;

Q: How can I have a progressive zoom using your code in Aum11?
A: Here's the modified code (use the keys A S X):

function init_sniper()
  on_mouse_right = null;
  while (1)
     if (key_s == 1)
        if (video_mode == 6)
           sniper640_pan.visible = on;
        if (video_mode == 7)
           sniper800_pan.visible = on;
        if (video_mode == 8)
           sniper1024_pan.visible = on;
        if (camera.arc > 10)
           camera.arc -= 2 * time; // speed
       if (key_x == 1)
         if (video_mode == 6)
            sniper640_pan.visible = on;
        if (video_mode == 7)
            sniper800_pan.visible = on;
        if (video_mode == 8)
            sniper1024_pan.visible = on;
        if (camera.arc < 90)
            camera.arc += 2 * time; // speed
            wait (1);
       if (key_a == 1)
           camera.arc = 60;
           sniper640_pan.visible = off;
           sniper800_pan.visible = off;
           sniper1024_pan.visible = off;
  wait (1);