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If you don't live on the moon, you have heard of Conitec's brand new lite-C, a new ide which incorporates the Acknex engine and allows us to create regular applications and small, 2D and 3D games easily. To prove that, I have improved the code from my lite-C physics workshop, creating a full game that looks like this:




and uses less than 50 lines of code, just like this:


#include <acknex.h>

#include <default.c>


VECTOR ball_speed;

var soundtrack_handle;

ENTITY* ball;

SOUND* ball_wav = "ball.wav";


void kick_ball(void) // makes the ball jump when the player presses the "space" key


       VECTOR kick_speed;

       kick_speed.x = 10;

       kick_speed.y = 50 * (key_cul - key_cur);

       kick_speed.z = 250; // ball jump height

       vec_rotate(kick_speed, camera.pan);

       phent_addvelcentral(ball, kick_speed);

       snd_play (ball_wav, 100, 0);



function main()


       video_screen = 1; // run in full screen mode

       video_mode = 8; // set the resolution to 1024x768 pixels

       on_space = kick_ball;

       media_loop ("brittle.mp3", NULL, 50);

       fps_max = 70;

       level_load("roller.wmb"); // load the level

       wait (2); // wait until the level is loaded

       ent_createlayer("stars+6.tga", SKY | CUBE | VISIBLE, 0); // create the sky layer

       ball = ent_create ("ball.mdl", vector(-38200, -30, 200), NULL); // create the ball

       ph_setgravity (vector(0, 0, -386)); // set the gravity

       phent_settype (ball, PH_RIGID, PH_SPHERE); // set the physics entity type

       phent_setmass (ball, 3, PH_SPHERE); // and its mass

       phent_setfriction (ball, 80); // set the friction

       phent_setdamping (ball, 40, 40); // set the damping

       phent_setelasticity (ball, 50, 20); // set the elasticity

       while (ball.z > -1000)


               ball_speed.x = 15 * (key_cur - key_cul); // move the ball using the cursor keys

               ball_speed.y = 2.3 + 15 * (key_cuu - 0.15 * key_cud); // 25 sets the x / y movement speeds

               ball_speed.z = 0; // no need to move on the vertical axis

               phent_addtorqueglobal (ball, ball_speed); // add a torque (an angular force) to the ball

               camera.x = ball.x - 300; // keep the camera 300 quants behind the ball

               camera.y = ball.y; // using the same y with the ball

               camera.z = ball.z + 1000; // and place it 1000 quants above the ball

               camera.tilt = -60; // make it look downwards

               wait (1);


       while (key_any) {wait (1);} // wait until the player releases all the keys

       media_stop (soundtrack_handle); // stop the music; another instance of it will run again shortly

       main(); // and then run the game again



Talk about productivity! The game uses a physics-based ball which can be maneuvered using the arrow keys; use the space key if the ball falls off a platform, but don't expect miracles - you won't be able to save it every time.


So what are you waiting for? Go here and get lite-C: and install it, and then open the roller.c script from inside the \roller folder that is zipped inside Aum62's "Resources". Run the script and prepare for countless minutes of fun! (or hair pulling)