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WEDB improvments


WEDB has got two tools for slicing and cutting blocks. "Slice (line)" cuts the selected block or group, while "Slice (plane)" cuts the whole group along a plane.





ent_status(entity, mode)


Returns lots of information about the entity.


var vertices;

var total_vertices;

var squares_x;

var squares_y;

var triangles_main;

var triangles_lod1;

var triangles_lod2;

var triangles_lod3;

var num_skins;

var mesh_subsets;

var skins_per_subset;

var anim_frames;

var num_bones;

var tchunks_mblocks;

var lod_meshes;


BMAP* pointer_tga = "pointer.tga";


function mouse_startup()

       mouse_mode = 2;

       mouse_map = pointer_tga;

       while (1)


               vec_set(mouse_pos, mouse_cursor);





function entinfo_startup() // touch the entity with the mouse pointer to retrieve the info


       while (1)


               vertices = ent_status(mouse_ent, 0);

               total_vertices = ent_status(mouse_ent, 1);

               squares_x = ent_status(mouse_ent, 2);

               squares_y = ent_status(mouse_ent, 3);

               triangles_main = ent_status(mouse_ent, 4);

               triangles_lod1 = ent_status(mouse_ent, 5);

               triangles_lod2 = ent_status(mouse_ent, 6);

               triangles_lod3 = ent_status(mouse_ent, 7);

               num_skins = ent_status(mouse_ent, 8);

               mesh_subsets = ent_status(mouse_ent, 9);

               skins_per_subset = ent_status(mouse_ent, 10);

               anim_frames = ent_status(mouse_ent, 12);

               num_bones = ent_status(mouse_ent, 14);

               tchunks_mblocks = ent_status(mouse_ent, 16);

               lod_meshes = ent_status(mouse_ent, 20);

               wait (1);




PANEL* info_pan =


       layer = 15;

       digits(10, 10, "Unique vertices: %.f", *, 1, vertices);

       digits(10, 30, "Total vertices: %.f", *, 1, total_vertices);

       digits(10, 50, "Terrain mesh squares on x: %.f", *, 1, squares_x);

       digits(10, 70, "Terrain mesh squares on y: %.f", *, 1, squares_y);

       digits(10, 90, "Triangles on the main mesh: %.f", *, 1, triangles_main);

       digits(10, 110, "Triangles on the 1st LOD mesh: %.f", *, 1, triangles_lod1);

       digits(10, 130, "Triangles on the 2nd LOD mesh: %.f", *, 1, triangles_lod2);

       digits(10, 150, "Triangles on the 3rd LOD mesh: %.f", *, 1, triangles_lod3);

       digits(10, 170, "Number of skins: %.f", *, 1, num_skins);

       digits(10, 190, "Number of mesh subsets: %.f", *, 1, mesh_subsets);

       digits(10, 210, "Number of skins per subset: %.f", *, 1, skins_per_subset);

       digits(10, 230, "Number of animation frames: %.f", *, 1, anim_frames);

       digits(10, 250, "Number of bones: %.f", *, 1, num_bones);

       digits(10, 270, "Terrain chunks / map entity blocks: %.f", *, 1, tchunks_mblocks);

       digits(10, 290, "Internal LOD meshes: %.f", *, 1, lod_meshes);

       flags = visible;






New WED menus


Wed's "Preferences" are structured in a more logical way now.





