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Shooter template improvements


A new version of the shooter template, with a lot more customizable parameters, was added.






C/C++ compatible preincrement and postincrement operators


The preincrement and postincrement operators now work as in C/C++; the postincrement operator returns the value before the increment.


var b, c;


function operators_startup()


       b = 5;

       c = b++;

       c += ++b;



PANEL* time_pan =


       layer = 15;

       digits(10, 10, "b = %.f", *, 1, b);

       digits(10, 30, "c = %.f", *, 1, c);

       flags = SHOW;







Sets the skin penetration width for a physics entity.


function my_crate( )


       ENTITY* myCrate = ent_create( "crate.mdl", vector(300, 20, 50), NULL);

       pXent_settype( myCrate, PH_RIGID, PH_BOX );

       pXent_setskinwidth(myCrate, 0.7);
