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Shade-C 0.90


This month's excellent contribution comes from BoH Havoc, who has created a great looking shader framework for A7 commercial and A7 professional.




Just take a look at Shade-C's 0.90 features:

- Tonemapped Bloom with dynamic exposure control ("fake" High Dynamic Range Rendering)
- Depth of Field Effect with dynamic autofocus
- Volumetric Particles
- Ocean shader with dynamic shoreline
- Terrain Shader with normalmapping and specular lighting support
- Heat Haze
- Radial Blur
- Object and Screen based Refraction
- "All-in-One" Shader. "Click together" your personal shader:
a) Diffuse Lighting (up to 5 lights)
b) Specular Lighting
c) Environment Mapping
d) Normalmapping
e) Velvety Effect
f) Teamcolor
g) (animated) Luminancemaps
h) Shadowmaps (uses 2nd uv set)
- Toon Shader with normalmapping and hatching support
- Module based. Easy integration. Highly customizable


"If you like my work, please make a small donation at the website", says the author. Do what he says guys, in order to support the future development of Shade-C (and get a good night sleep, knowing that you didn't bump your game to AAA grade for free ;)




You will need a VS / PS 2.0 video card in order to run the demo. Open the \shadec_v0.90 folder, and then run main.exe; don't forget to check out the \source folder as well.