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Don't copy / paste code from the magazine - use the C-Script files inside the archive! Don't forget to "include" the files that need to be included in your main file.
Beginners corner:

- Surprise your enemies! Stay away from light sources using a Splinter Cell panel;

- Strings above entities: now you can give names to the characters in your game;


Code snippets:

- Car AI: a new AI series starts this month;

- Player Selection: choose your player at game start.


Most asked questions:

Haven't got an answer at the forum? Read it here!


Hot features:

New features available in the beta version of the engine.


User contributions:

New user contributions hosted at Acknex Unlimited.



Read this month's interview to find out more about a project that looks really good: Biyu Biyu Rocket. Check "Recent Screenshots" to see some good looking shots.

P.S: I try to use textures from standard.wad for all my demos in all the AUM editions.

