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Q: I'm using the stationary-gun code from Aum30. How do I control the weapon with the mouse (not with the arrow keys)?

A: Replace action sweapon with the one below; use Ctrl or the left mouse button to fire.


action sweapon


    while (player == null) {wait (1);}

    player._health = 100; // make sure that player._health > 0 at game start

    my.passable = on;

    while (player._health > 0) // fire only if the player is alive


         if (player_immobile == 0) // if the player can move


              while (vec_dist (player.x, my.x) > 100) {wait (1);} // wait until it has come close enough

              vec_set (players_speeds, strength); // store player's speed

              vec_set (players_angles, astrength); // and angular speed

              vec_set (strength, nullvector); // the player can't move from now on

              vec_set (astrength, nullvector); // nor rotate from now on

              player_immobile = 1; // can't move

              while (key_any == 1) {wait (1);}

              player.pan = 0;

              player.tilt = 0;


         else // player_immobile == 1


              player.x = -1250;

              player.y = -728;

              if ((mouse_force.y > 0) && (player.tilt < 30))


                   player.tilt += 0.5 * time;


              if ((mouse_force.y < 0) && (player.tilt > -10))


                   player.tilt -= 0.5 * time;


              if ((mouse_force.x > 0) && (player.pan > -30))


                   player.pan -= 1 * time;


              if ((mouse_force.x < 0) && (player.pan < 30))


                   player.pan += 1 * time;


              my.pan = player.pan;

              my.tilt = player.tilt;

              if ((key_ctrl == 1) || (mouse_left == 1))


                   while (key_ctrl == 1) {wait (1);} // disable auto fire

                   while (mouse_left == 1) {wait (1);} // disable auto fire

                   vec_for_vertex (rocket_coords, my, 190); // get the vertex coords for the rocket

                   snd_play (fire_wav, 100, 0);

                   ent_create (rocket_mdl, rocket_coords, move_rocket);


              if (key_space == 1)


                   vec_set (strength, players_speeds); // the player can move from now on

                   vec_set (astrength, players_angles); // and can rotate

                   player.pan = 0;

                   player.tilt = 0; // restore pan and tilt

                   player_immobile = 0; // can move

                   while (vec_dist (player.x, my.x) < 200) {wait (1);} // allow the player to get away



         wait (1);



Q: I use your minimap from Aum27, but I'd like it to rotate when the player changes its pan angle. Can you help?

A: Replace the starter init_topcam function with the one below:


starter init_topcam()


    while (player == null) {wait (1);}

    while (1)


         if (key_t == 1)


              while (key_t == 1) {wait (1);}

              if (top_view.visible == on)


                   top_view.visible = off;




                   top_view.visible = on;



         top_view.x = player.x;

         top_view.y = player.y;

         top_view.z = 1000; // play with this value

         top_view.pan = player.pan;

         wait (1);




Q: I've just started the code for my player. By default I want to have it playing a "stand" animation; when you press a specific key, I'd like it to play another animation, but only once through the cycle of frames.

A: Use the code below:


action my_player


    while (1)


         if (key_any == 0) // default animation


              ent_cycle("stand", my.skill46);

              my.skill46 += 4 * time;

              my.skill46 %= 100;


         else // the player is pressing one of the keys


              if (key_a == 1) // if the "A" key is pressed


                   while (key_a == 1) {wait (1);} // wait until "A" is released

                   my.skill46 = 0;

                   while (my.skill46 < 100)


                        ent_cycle("attack", my.skill46);

                        my.skill46 += 5 * time;

                        wait (1);



              if (key_b == 1) // do something else


                   // when the player presses the "B" key

                   wait (1);



         wait (1);




Q: I would like to display something like a one way portal that allows the player to teleport to another part of the level. Is it possible?

A: Attach action portal_eye to any entity and set its position and angles until it fits your needs. Attach action portal_sprite to the sprite that will display the "portal". Read the article in Aum15 if you need more info about teleporting.




view my_portal


    pos_x = 0;

    pos_y = 0;

    size_x = 128; // size of the view on x and y

    size_y = 64;

    layer = 5;

    flags = visible;



action portal_eye


    my.invisible = on;

    my.passable = on;

    my_portal.x = my.x;

    my_portal.y = my.y;

    my_portal.x = my.x;

    my_portal.pan = my.pan;

    my_portal.tilt = my.tilt;

    my_portal.roll = my.roll;



action portal_sprite // 128 x 64 pixels


    my.oriented = on;

    my.passable = on;

    my_portal.bmap = bmap_for_entity (my, 0);



Q: Could you show me a simple event_trigger example?

A: Take a look at the code below:


function hide_entity()


    if ((event_type == event_trigger) && (you == player))


         my.invisible = on;




action my_trigger


    my.enable_trigger = on;

    my.trigger_range = 200; // come closer than 200 quants to remove the entity

    my.event = hide_entity;



Q: Is there any script that corrects position of the pistol if you change camera to 3rd person? The pistol used in A5's templates has a weird position...

A: The weapons used in the A5 templates share the same x, y and z coordinates with the player. However, you can change the origin of the weapon models in Med until their position looks good in 3rd person view too.





Q: I was wondering how you can get your guy to start with a weapon...

A: Place a weapon model anywhere in the level and attach it the desired weapon action.  Add two lines of code to that action.


ACTION logangun


    while (player == null) {wait (1);}

    vec_set (player.pos, my.pos);

    MY.__ROTATE = ON; // gun rotates before being picked up

    MY.__REPEAT = ON; // repeats (Auto-fire)

    MY.__BOB = ON;   // 'bobs' when the player moves

    MY._OFFS_X = 42;   // x,y,z pos of the gun

    MY._OFFS_Y = 20;

    MY._OFFS_Z = 7;

    MY._AMMOTYPE = 0.0;   // type of ammo '.' rounds in gun

            //(0 means no ammo needed)


    if(MY._WEAPONNUMBER == 0) { MY._WEAPONNUMBER = 3; }   // weapon number (press 3 to equip)

    MY._BULLETSPEED = 1000.25; // bulletspeed '.' recoil

    MY._FIRETIME = 5;          // time to cycle (reload)


    // SHOOT damage (immediate)

    // + flash at hit point

    // + smoke at hit point

    // + sparks at hit point

    // 50 points of damage per shot





Q: I want to output to a text file and am looking for a tabspace character; \t or 'tabspace' do not work, although line feed (\n) works! Help me!

A: Here's a workaround:


var file_handle;


string tab_str;


function write_text()


    file_handle = file_open_write ("test.txt");

    file_str_write (file_handle, "first column");

    file_str_write (file_handle, tab_str); // tab

    file_str_write (file_handle, "second column");

    file_str_write (file_handle, tab_str); // tab

    file_str_write (file_handle, "third column");

    file_close (file_handle);



on_w write_text; // press "W" to write the text


starter init_string()


    str_cpy (tab_str, "    "); // 4 spaces, change this value


