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Q: How do you merge models in MED?

A: Open the first model and then choose File -> Merge and load the second model. You will have to skin the resulting model again.





Q: How can I avoid being detected by the enemies if the player has morphed to another model?

A: Set enable_scan to off for the player and the enemies will not be able to detect it anymore (if they use scan_entity, like they should).


Q: I use hit_smoke and hit_sparks for one of my weapons to make it look like a cloud of dust if you shoot the ground; my problem is it also does it if I shoot a human there an easy way to stop this?

A: Open weapons.wdl, look for function _hit_point_effect and add the new (red) lines of code to it:


function _hit_point_effect()


    // flash at hit point?

    if((fire_mode & MODE_HIT) == HIT_FLASH)


         weaponTmpSyn = YOU;  // save YOU value


         YOU = weaponTmpSyn;



    // smoke at hit point?

    if(fire_mode & HIT_SMOKE)


            if (you == null)


               emit(20,TARGET,particle_smoke); // emit smoke




    if(fire_mode & HIT_SPARKS)


           if (you == null)


                 emit(20,TARGET,particle_scatter); // emit sparks






Q: I just upgraded from demo to Extra... all the actors now have a white square at their feet where they touch the ground. Any ideas?

A: That's the old shadow system running weird with some video cards / drivers. Open animate.wdl, look for action drop_shadow and change it as shown:


ACTION drop_shadow




        if(VIDEO_DEPTH >= 16)













Q: How many events can an action have?

A: An action can have a single function event but it can react to as many events as you want. Here's an example:


function how_tor_react( );


action i_am_sensitive


   my.enable_block = on;

   my.enable_click = on;

   my.enable_touch = on;

   my.enable_scan = on;


   my.event = how_to_react;



function how_to_react( )


   if (event_type == event_block)


       // event_block was triggered



   if (event_type == event_click)


       // event_click was triggered



   if (event_type == event_touch)


       // event_touch was triggered



   if (event_type == event_scan)


       // event_scan was triggered





Q: I have created a 2D / 3D side scroller game and I want the camera to track a point X distance in front of the player.

A: Use this piece of code as a starting point:


var horizontal_offset = 100;

var vertical_offset = 50;

var camera_distance = 400;


view side_view // used as an alternative to the camera view


    layer = 15;

    pos_x = 0;

    pos_y = 0;

    size_x = 640;

    size_y = 480;

    flags = visible;



starter init_view()


    camera.visible = off;

    while (player == null) {wait (1);}

    while (1)


         side_view.x = player.x + horizontal_offset;

         side_view.y = player.y - camera_distance;

         side_view.z = player.z + vertical_offset;

         side_view.pan = player.pan + 90; // 0, 90, 180 or 270

         wait (1);




Q: How do I use handle and ptr_for_handle?

A: Any entity, action, string, bmap, panel or pointer gets a unique ID number when it is loaded or created. Handle is used to store that unique number in a var or a skill and ptr_for_handle retrieves the entity,action, string... back using that var or skill. Read the Perfect AI article inside this magazine to see an example.


Q: When I start the level, my warlocks turns around and walk back against the wall. How can I make them just stand? I use the premade action actor_walk_fight.

A: You have set a small value for _HEALTH. Increase skill9 and everything will go back to normal.


Q: How do I get a health bar to be displayed above an enemy's head?

A: Add a line of code at the beginning of the action attached to your enemies


ACTION actor_ai_one


    ent_create (healthbar_mdl, my.pos, display_health);

    // set up and call helper functions

    // Health-

    if (MY._HEALTH <= 0) { MY._HEALTH = 75; } // default 75 health


    // Armor-

    if (MY._ARMOR <= 0) { MY._ARMOR = 0; } // default 0 armor


     // Force-

    if (MY._FORCE == 0) { MY._FORCE = 1.5; }  // default force




and then copy and paste this piece of code at the beginning of your war.wdl file:


string healthbar_mdl = <healthbar.mdl>;


function display_health( )


    my.passable = on;

    while (you != null)


         my.x = you.x;

         my.y = you.y;

         my.z = you.z + 50;

         my.scale_y = you._health / 10;

         vec_set(temp, camera.x);

         vec_sub(temp, my.x);

         vec_to_angle (my.pan, temp);

         my.tilt = 0;

         wait (1);


    my.invisible = on;


