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Q: How do you get one actor to follow another?

A: Here's a modified action from the A5 demo project.


entity* robot_boss;


action robot_master


  robot_boss = my;

  // put the rest of your code here

  // ........



action robot_slave


  var slave_target;

  var slave_speed;

  while (robot_boss == null) {wait (1);}

  while (1)


     my.tilt = 0;

     slave_target.x = robot_boss.x - 50 * cos (robot_boss.pan); // stay 50 quants

     slave_target.y = robot_boss.y - 50 * sin (robot_boss.pan); // behind robot_boss

     slave_target.z = robot_boss.z;

     slave_speed.x = 7 * time;

     slave_speed.y = 0;

     vec_set (temp, my.x);

     temp.z -= 1000;

     trace_mode = ignore_me + ignore_sprites + ignore_models + use_box;

     slave_speed.z = -trace (my.x, temp);

     vec_set (temp.x, slave_target.x);

     vec_sub (temp.x, my.x);

     vec_to_angle (my.pan, temp);

     if (abs(slave_target.x - my.x) + abs(slave_target.y - my.y) > 30)


          ent_move (slave_speed, nullvector);

          ent_cycle("walk", my.skill10); // play walk frames animation

          my.skill10 += 5 * time;

          my.skill10 %= 100;


     wait (1);







Q: I'm trying to write my own weapons. How can I attach particles to the trace instruction? I don't want the script written for me just an idea.

A: Trace sets "target" to the coordinates of the hit point. Place the line below after your trace instruction.


effect(your_particle_function, number_of_particles, target, initial_particle_speed);


Example: effect(hit_sparks, 10, target, vector(1, 1, 2));



Q: I have a model of a tree. I want to be able to walk right up to the trunk, but the bounding box won't allow me to do that because of the leaves.

A: Follow these simple steps:


- Add the tree model to your level and make it passable;


- Place a cylinder (a primitive) with 6-16 faces at the same position with the trunk and make it invisible.







Q: How can I close a gate (as a trap) behind the player if he's walking through a laser beam?

A: Place an entity close to the laser beam and attach it the action named "door_trigger". Create a wmb entity for the door and attach it the action named "door_trap".


entity* door_t;


action door_trigger


  my.invisible = on;

  my.passable = on;

  while (player == null) {wait (1);}

  while (door_t == null) {wait (1);}

  while (vec_dist(player.x, my.x) > 100) {wait (1);}

  while (door_t.z > 0) // final z = 0, play with this value


     door_t.z -= 3 * time; // 3 = speed

     wait (1);


  door_t.z = 0; // the door moves from 100 to 0 quants in this example



action door_trap


  door_t = my;

  my.z = 100; // initial z, play with this value






Q: I'm making a game and I was wondering know can I insert a movie (avi) file. At a certain point the movie would be triggered.

A: Place any entity in your level and attach it the "movie_trigger" action; come close to it to start the movie.


action movie_trigger


   my.passable = on;

   while (player == null) {wait (1);}

   while (vec_dist(player.x, my.x) > 100) {wait (1);}

   media_play("my_movie.avi", null, 50);




Q: How can we make big levels with terrains but don't lose performance ?

A: Use several (smaller) terrain entities, and then use fog and decent camera.clip_far values. Take a look at the picture below: all the blue terrains will be rendered (this happens even if a single vertex is inside the camera.clip_far range), while the violet terrains won't be rendered. Don't forget to glue your terrains together nicely; I left that black space between them on purpose, because I wanted you to see them as separate pieces.

