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Q: How can I pass a parameter to the A6 executable?

A: Use something like this:


function main()



   while (player == null) {wait (1);}

   player._health = 100;

   ifdef megapower;

       player._health = 300;




Run yourlevel.exe to set 100 health points for the player or run "yourlevel.exe -d megapower" (without the quotes) using a batch file to get 300 health points.


Q: I use the splitscreen shooter from Aum30 but the players don't have gravity. Can you help?

A: Replace action player_one and action player_two with the ones below:




action player_one


    player1 = me;

    my.enable_entity = on;

    my.enable_impact = on;

    my.event = kill_player1;

    ent_create (handgun1_mdl, nullvector, weapon1);

    while (p1_alive == 1)


         my.pan += 5 * (key_a - key_d) * time;

         player1_dist.x = 15 * (key_w - key_s) * time;

         player1_dist.y = 0;

         vec_set (temp, my.x);

         temp.z -= 1000;

         trace_mode = ignore_me + ignore_passable + use_box;

         player1_dist.z = -trace (my.x, temp);

         move_mode = ignore_passable + glide;

         ent_move (player1_dist, nullvector);

         camera1.pan = my.pan;

         camera1.x = my.x;

         camera1.y = my.y;

         camera1.z = my.z + 30;

         if (key_w + key_s > 0) // if the player is moving


              ent_cycle("run", my.skill46); // play "run" frames animation

              my.skill46 += 10 * time; // "run" animation speed

              my.skill46 %= 100; // loop animation


         else // the player is standing or shooting


              if (key_space == 1) // if this player is shooting


                   ent_cycle("attack", 100); // display the last "attack" animation frame

                   if (bullet1 == null)


                        wait (3);

                        ent_create (bullet_mdl, bullet1_coords, move_bullet1);





                   ent_cycle("idle", my.skill46); // play "stand" frames animation

                   my.skill46 += 2 * time; // "stand" animation speed

                   my.skill46 %= 100; // loop animation



         wait (1);




action player_two


    player2 = me;

    my.enable_entity = on;

    my.enable_impact = on;

    my.event = kill_player2;

    ent_create (handgun2_mdl, nullvector, weapon2);

    while (p2_alive == 1)


         my.pan += 5 * (key_cul - key_cur) * time;

         player2_dist.x = 15 * (key_cuu - key_cud) * time;

         player2_dist.y = 0;

         vec_set (temp, my.x);

         temp.z -= 1000;

         trace_mode = ignore_me + ignore_passable + use_box;

         player2_dist.z = -trace (my.x, temp);

         move_mode = ignore_passable + glide;

         ent_move (player2_dist, nullvector);

         camera2.pan = my.pan;

         camera2.x = my.x;

         camera2.y = my.y;

         camera2.z = my.z + 30;

         if (key_cuu + key_cud > 0) // if the player is moving


              ent_cycle("run", my.skill46); // play "run" frames animation

              my.skill46 += 10 * time; // "run" animation speed

              my.skill46 %= 100; // loop animation


         else // the player is standing or shooting


              if (key_enter == 1) // if this player is shooting


                   ent_cycle("attack", 100); // display the last "attack" animation frame

                   if (bullet2 == null)


                        wait (3);

                        ent_create (bullet_mdl, bullet2_coords, move_bullet2);





                   ent_cycle("idle", my.skill46); // play "stand" frames animation

                   my.skill46 += 2 * time; // "stand" animation speed

                   my.skill46 %= 100; // loop animation



         wait (1);




Q: I use your timer.wdl from Aum11. How should I modify the code if I want to be able to disable the bomb by clicking it again?

A: Use the code below:


var second_counter = 10; // explodes after 10 seconds

var disabled = -1;


function start_timer();


sound timer_snd = <timer.wav>;


define explo_sprite = <explo+7.pcx>;


action timer

{ = 2;

    my._DAMAGE = 200; // set different damage values for different timers

    my.enable_click = on;

    my.event = start_timer;



function start_timer()


    disabled += 1;

    while (disabled < 1)


         second_counter -= 1;
 = 2;

         ent_playsound (my, timer_snd, 300);

         waitt (14);
 = 1;

         waitt (2);

         if (second_counter < 1)


              range = my._DAMAGE * 2;

              damage = my._DAMAGE;

               temp.pan = 360;

              temp.tilt = 180;

              temp.z = range;

              indicator = _EXPLODE; // not a friendly scan

              scan_entity (my.x, temp);

              morph (explo_sprite, me);

              my.oriented = on;

              my.pan = 0;

              while (my.frame < 7)


                   my.frame += 3 * time;

                   wait (1);


            actor_explode(); // remove the explosion sprite


    } = 2;



Q: I'd like to have a bomb that starts ticking as soon as the level is loaded and explodes after a specified number of seconds. Can you help me?

A: Check Aum11 (timer.wdl) and get the modified version of the code below:


var counter = 10; // explodes after 10 seconds


sound timer_snd = <timer.wav>;


define explo_sprite = <explo+7.pcx>;


action timer

{ = 2;

    my._DAMAGE = 200; // set different damage values for different timers

    while (my != null)


         counter -= 1;
 = 2;

         ent_playsound (my, timer_snd, 300);

         waitt (14);
 = 1;

         waitt (2);

         if (counter < 1)


              range = my._DAMAGE * 2;

              damage = my._DAMAGE;

               temp.pan = 360;

              temp.tilt = 180;

              temp.z = range;

              indicator = _EXPLODE; // not a friendly scan

              scan_entity (my.x, temp);

              morph (explo_sprite, me);

              my.oriented = on;

              my.pan = 0;

              while (my.frame < 7)


                   my.frame += 3 * time;

                   wait (1);


              actor_explode(); // remove the explosion sprite





Q: How can I add an action to a map entity if I want to be able to change its angles using the four arrow keys?

A: Use the code below:


action platform


    while (1)


         if (key_cul == 1) {my.roll -= 2 * time;}

         if (key_cur == 1) {my.roll += 2 * time;}

         if (key_cuu == 1) {my.tilt -= 2 * time;}

         if (key_cud == 1) {my.tilt += 2 * time;}

         if (my.tilt < -40) {my.tilt = -40;}

         if (my.tilt > 40) {my.tilt = 40;}

         if (my.roll < -40) {my.roll = -40;}

         if (my.roll > 40) {my.roll = 40;}

         wait (1);




Q: I'd like to be able to display a long text letter by letter, not all the text at once. Is this possible?

A: Yes, it is possible. Take a look at the code below:


var text_length;


string long_str = "My game will be so great! Please buy it now and I'll develop it later!";


text my_txt


    layer = 20;

    pos_x = 15;

    pos_y = 30;

    string = temp_str;

    font = standard_font;

    flags = visible;



function display_text


    text_length = str_len(long_str);

    while (text_length >= 0)


         str_cpy (temp_str, long_str);

         str_trunc (temp_str, text_length);

         text_length -= 1;

         sleep (0.1);




on_d = display_text;





Q: How can I get the names of the entities, as they appear in Wed, at runtime?

A: Use the code below:


string entity_str[20];


text name_txt


    layer = 10;

    pos_x = 5;

    pos_y = 5;

    string = entity_str;

    font = standard_font;

    flags = visible;



starter get_names()


    while (1)


         if (mouse_ent != null)


              str_for_entname (entity_str, mouse_ent);




              str_cpy (entity_str, "");


         wait (1);




Q: How can I have a different crosshair for each weapon please?

A: Modify weapons.wdl as shown below:





// Cross-hair panel and functions


// Use the var 'cross_pos.x' and 'cross_pos.y' you adjust the position

//of the cross-hair on the screen


BMAP cross_bmp, <cross.pcx>;

BMAP cross2_bmp, <cross2.pcx>;

BMAP cross3_bmp, <cross3.pcx>;

BMAP cross4_bmp, <cross4.pcx>;

BMAP cross5_bmp, <cross5.pcx>;

BMAP cross6_bmp, <cross6.pcx>;

BMAP cross7_bmp, <cross7.pcx>;


var cross_pos[2] = 0, 0; // position of cross-hair on screen


PANEL cross_pan


    bmap = cross_bmp;

    layer = 1;

    flags = overlay, transparent, refresh, d3d;



// Desc: position the cross-hair panel at the center of the screen

//  and make it visible.

function pan_cross_show()


    cross_pan.pos_x = (screen_size.x / 2) + cross_pos.x;

    cross_pan.pos_y = (screen_size.y / 2) + cross_pos.y;

    if (weapon_number == 1) {cross_pan.bmap = cross_bmp;}

    if (weapon_number == 2) {cross_pan.bmap = cross2_bmp;}

    if (weapon_number == 3) {cross_pan.bmap = cross3_bmp;}

    if (weapon_number == 4) {cross_pan.bmap = cross4_bmp;}

    if (weapon_number == 5) {cross_pan.bmap = cross5_bmp;}

    if (weapon_number == 6) {cross_pan.bmap = cross6_bmp;}

    if (weapon_number == 7) {cross_pan.bmap = cross7_bmp;}

    cross_pan.visible = ON;



starter show_crosshair()


    while (1)



         wait (1);




// Desc: hide the cross-hair panel

function pan_cross_hide()


    cross_pan.visible = OFF;





Q: In the game World War III you can change the graphics in the options menu and it will tell you after 10 seconds the performance that game would play in. How would I do something like this?

A: Load one of the levels that will be used in your game and hide it with a black panel (or not). Use a typical, fixed camera position, measure the frame rate (fps) and tell it to the player.